Friday, July 6, 2018

SBC Practices 5, 6, 7 & 8

Go to the links below,  the questions can also be found on page 39 of Listening Comprehension book.
Remember to respond using:
Thoughts, Responses, Experience, Examples and Suggestions. Remember to write your name for each response.

SBC practice 5 Qn (a)
SBC practice 5 Qn (b)
SBC practice 5 Qn (c)

SBC practice 6 Qn (a)
SBC practice 6 Qn (b)
SBC practice 6 Qn (c)

SBC practice 7 Qn (a)
SBC practice 7 Qn (b)
SBC practice 7 Qn (c)

SBC practice 8 Qn (a)
SBC practice 8 Qn (b)
SBC practice 8 Qn (c)

Monday, April 16, 2018

SBC Practices 3 and 4

Dear class,
Please click on the links below to access the sites to share your answers. Remember to use TREES.
Also, these words/ phrases are suitable for you to use when you are trying to elaborate your ideas.

  • Also...
  • Furthermore ...
  • Moreover ...
  • As well as ...
  • Next...
  • In addition ...
  • First of all ...
  • Secondly ...

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

SBC Practice

Refer to page 7.
Click on the links below and answer all three questions.
Remember to use 'TREES' when coming up with your responses.

SBC 1 (Qn 1)

SBC 1 (Qn 2)

SBC 1 (Qn 3)

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Sports Day

It was Upper Primary Sports Day on Friday, 23rd Mar. When we reached the stadium, the sun was shining brightly and everyone was toasted under the sun. Luckily, clouds soon formed and it became cloudy and windy. A fine day for sports day! Congratulations to all winners! To all participants who did not win anything, don't give up, you can try again next year! I am happy that everyone tried their best and no one gave up!

Here are some photographs taken on that day. 

Electrical Circuit

For those of you who are interested in exploring more about electrical circuit using the online simulation, here's the website:

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Visit to Sree Narayana Mission Home

Today, we visited the Sree Narayana Mission Home. Initially, many of the pupils were anxious and worried as they did not know what to expect. Some of them were worried that they might not be able to communicate with the elderly.

We started by playing a simple game- Pass the Parcel. A parcel was being passed around by the elderly with the pupils as facilitators. When the music stopped, a layer of newspaper was unwrapped to reveal a hand-made card by a pupil for the elderly.

I was very heartened to see many of the pupils stepping up to help the elderly unwrap and also to help the elderly pass the parcel.

After the game, all the pupils had a chance to play either bowling or hitting the balloon with the elderly. Everyone had fun as the anxiety and worries which many had initially were all gone. A few pupils even lamented that the time spent at the home was too short.
I am very proud of everyone for the effort they put in to interact with the elderly. Good job!
Here are some photos and videos taken.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

VIA presentation

Before going to the Sree Narayana Mission Home for our VIA. All pupils had to decide on an activity which they would like to carry out with the elderly there. Two of our class's representative presented to the rest of the primary 5 pupils the idea which our class had. Here are some photos taken during the presentation.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Water and change of states

We are learning more about water and the change of states. Through carrying out several hands-on activities, I hope that you have learnt more about the three states of water.

Here's a video about matter states and its changes 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Classroom Decoration

We had a great time decorating the classroom today. With everyone's help we managed to put up everything efficiently and effectively. Thank you 5 Diligence for your help!  😊


Please click on the links below and complete the surveys EL Compo Writing Survey Science C.C.E. survey